Maths – NCFE Functional Skills – L1.11 Decimal to 2dp

L.O: To learn and understand how to add and subtract decimal numbers, to show the ability to multiply decimal numbers and to be able to divide decimal numbers.

Task 1: Please begin with the PowerPoint below this is going to give you a step by step explanation and instruction on this subject. I will also link a video below this will give you a more in depth explanation if needed. Once you have watched this please move onto the Decimal to 2dp Activity below.

Task 2: Once you have completed the activity above please move onto the Knowledge check below. I will also link a decimals game below. This is also a PDF so ensure you save it with your changes made.

Decimals Jeopardy Game

Please ensure all working out is done on paper and then uploaded as a photo or done on the form provided. Any work not completed at the end of the session should then be done next session. Also if you do not understand any work set or would like extra help/more work make sure to notify me of this.