Parental Consent Form

  1. Your Details:
  2. Emergency Contact Details
  3. Details
  4. Statement of Consent
  5. Media Consent
  6. Data Protection/GDPR

Your Details

PiPeLine Productions Academies are alternative education provisions that support young people back into learning using the a variety of methods to re-engage and re-motivate young people into achieving. With our highly experienced and dedicated staff, we use these tools to engage young people into the learning package that we provide. It is our aim that all of our learners will achieve nationally recognised GCSE equivalents whilst studying at PiPeLine Productions Academies. Please note; through this programme it may be necessary to leave the site on rare occasions to take part in external educational experiences. If a visit requires an analysis of further risks, we will seek your consent separately.
We believe that your child will have an enjoyable and productive time whilst on their placement with the PiPeLine Productions Academy. If you agree to your child participating in this programme please complete the details below: